The Medical Research Agency has announced the results of a competition for the establishment and development of Clinical Research Support Centers within the framework of the National Plan for Rehabilitation and Enhancement of Immunity. As a result, 10 new centers will join the Polish Clinical...
The President has signed into law a bill to amend regulations on the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education.
The next meeting of the Transparency Council will be held on Monday, December 23.
Consideration of information on the implementation of the Law of June 16, 2023 on Quality in Health Care and Patient Safety - presented by the Minister of Health.
Representatives of the Polish Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology met with Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna. During the meeting, important issues related to the functioning of pediatric oncology and hematology in Poland were discussed, including the project to establish a National...
- The current surveillance system is outdated," Dr. Pawel Grzesiowski, Chief Sanitary Inspector, said at Tuesday's press briefing, referring to the Supreme Audit Office's report on the implementation of mandatory immunization of children and adolescents. The inspectors showed many deficiencies in...
In January 2025. Poland will take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union from Hungary. The watchword of the Polish presidency will be security - in various dimensions, including health. The main health priorities are the mental health of children and young people, prevention and...
- Chronic lung diseases cause as much as 9 percent of disability in Poland. Lung diseases are second in order as causes of sickness absence. This is a huge public health problem," says Dr. Malgorzata Czajkowska-Malinowska, president of PTChP, in an interview with Medexpress. What path has...
The Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health Amending the Regulation on the Organizational Standard of Perinatal Care has been submitted for consultation.
"Christmas flavors in a healthy way" - these are free recipes that will allow you to prepare light Christmas dishes. This will help you save time spent in the kitchen. The free e-book is available on the NFZ Diet portal.
- We currently have three fully free vaccinations reimbursed for seniors. These are flu vaccination, pneumococcal vaccination and, of course, COVID-19. One would like to see more free vaccinations on the list, because after the COVID-19 pandemic, we have a surge in this part of the pharmaceutical...
4,500 price negotiations and 54 meetings resulted - it was a busy year for the Economic Commission. 86% of reimbursement requests resulted in a price agreement at the Commission level.In addition, a dedicated website for EC activities was created in 2024, where minutes of divergence, meeting...
HEROES(HEartfailuReObsErvational Study) study on heart failure.
For the 19th time on February 10-11, 2025, Warsaw will become a meeting place for leaders of patient organizations, experts, representatives of the administration and politicians, who will jointly discuss the key challenges of the health care system in Poland. The Forum of Patients'...
The shortest queue will be shown by an interactive map of the ED.
Rzecznik Praw Pacjenta Bartłomiej Chmielowiec zwrócił się do Ministra Sprawiedliwości z prośbą o podjęcie działań zmierzających do systemowej zmiany regulacji prawnych dot. pacjentów psychiatrii sądowej. W szczególności problem dotyczy osób przebywających w oddziałach psychiatrii sądowej o...
On December 12, 2024, Andrzej Duda signed the Act of December 6, 2024, amending the Labor Code and certain other acts. The amendment introduces into the Polish legal system special regulations on leave for parents of premature babies and children hospitalized after birth.
31 new therapies are included in the draft list of reimbursed drugs that will take effect in the new year. As we reported in recent weeks, rivaroxaban will be reimbursed in new indications. This is good news for patients with atrial fibrillation. The price of the cheapest substitute will be...
Prof. Tomasz Targowski: Shingles takes a toll on seniors. They should take care to vaccinate
The power of fake news is the emotional charge
If not now then when? Should Poland, like other European countries, develop and implement a comprehensive brain health strategy?
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