The Health Committee will address on Tuesday the financial situation of the National Health Fund and the prospect of the payer settling its obligations for excess and unlimited services. It's hardly surprising, as anxiety on the part of healthcare providers has begun to grow compulsively in recent weeks. In recent days, on the occasion of the General Assembly of the Union of Polish Counties, there were declarations that "in days" settlements for the second quarter will be closed, but - only in the field of non-limited services. Treatment entities are asking what about the overbilling for non-limited services, but here the answers, if any, are neither optimistic nor unequivocal. Likewise, moreover, the answers to questions about settlements for the third - just ending - quarter.
The Health Ministry has set aside PLN 1.6 billion in its budget for financing unlimited services in the second quarter. It can be expected that digging deeper into this pocket will yield little - the more the minister looks into it, the more he won't see the money there. And it remains to be seen whether it will be found (and in what amount, if any) by the Finance Minister, whose priority is to simultaneously cut spending and find money to hel...
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