Parliament's passage of legislation lowering health premiums for entrepreneurs is almost a foregone conclusion. Will they be signed by the president? Here, the matter is already much more complicated and, at the very least, uncertain (as of today, it can be assumed that Andrzej Duda could be persuaded - by his advisors, not by the government - to agree to the elimination of the contribution on the sale of fixed assets and the introduction of a relief for the smallest entrepreneurs, while the provisions that would change the rules for calculating the health contribution for entrepreneurs in the future, from 2026, he will rather veto).
The implementation of election promises could not come at a worse time. There is not a gap but a breach in the NFZ's finances. It can't be any other way, when, as the latest OECD report shows, Poland spends less than 5 percent of GDP on current health expenditures, putting us in one of the last places in all of Europe. We should, as experts and stakeholders stressed during last week's conference organized by the Health Advocates Foundation on the financial situation of the system, ta...
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