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Today is World Diabetes Day

MedExpress Team


Published Nov. 14, 2024 08:20

Today is World Diabetes Day - Header image
On November 14, offices, institutions and public places across the country will be illuminated in blue. This will be an expression of solidarity with diabetics and an attempt to draw attention to the problems diabetics and their families face on a daily basis! - Discrimination and prejudice are dangerous especially in the case of the youngest patients, who suddenly realize that this severe disease will remain with them for the rest of their lives, comments Bożena Janicka, president of the Healthcare Employers' Agreement.

Epidemiologists have identified diabetes as one of the most dangerous diseases of civilization. More than 500 million people suffer from it worldwide, in Poland as many as 3 million. The complications caused by diabetes are dangerous and often irreversible: blindness, kidney failure, stroke, heart attack, diabetic foot - ending in amputation, etc.

- Until recently, we thought that diabetes was an ailment primarily of middle-...

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