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Impact of lifestyle on scalp condition

MedExpress Team

Published Sept. 5, 2024 07:31

Impact of lifestyle on scalp condition - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The lifestyle we live every day has a huge impact on our health, including the condition of our scalp. Dandruff and hair loss are problems that affect many of us and are often the result of improper habits. While they may seem like a mere aesthetic nuisance, their presence often signals the need for changes in our daily routine and care.

Dandruff - the most common scalp disease

Dandruff is one of the most common scalp ailments, with symptoms including excessive scaling, redness, itching and seborrhea. This disease, which is a dermatological problem, affects up to half of the population. The cause of dandruff is usually the excessive proliferation of Malassezia fungi, disruption of sebum composition and weakening of the hydrolipid barrier of the skin, which leads to irritation and inflammation.

What promotes the formation of dandruff?

The formation of dandruff is determined by many factors, which can be divided into internal ...

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