In connection with media reports about the Tarnów Academy's plans to open a medical faculty despite the PKA's negative opinion, the OZZL Residents' Agreement is sending a letter to Minister of Science and Higher Education Dariusz Wieczorek.
A draft Regulation of the Minister of Health amending the Regulation on conditions of remuneration for work of employees of medical entities operating in the form of a budgetary unit has been sent for public consultation. According to it, base rates would increase by about 20%.
- The concept of pharmaceutical care was not really defined until three years ago. That's when it listed what is a health benefit provided by pharmacists. This is a breakthrough, because we didn't have such powers before. Computerization will take off a huge part of our responsibilities. So we...
The Supreme Medical Council has given a positive opinion of the draft regulation of the Minister of Health on the framework program of the course in family medicine. However, it has some comments.
More than half of doctors support patients outside of working hours, often at the expense of their own rest, according to the "Patient on the Phone" report, compiled by the Research and Analysis Center of the Supreme Chamber of Physicians and Doctor.One, in cooperation with NIL IN - the Network...
The Supreme Medical Council has published its position on the Health Minister's draft regulation on qualification courses for paramedics.
At the end of 2024, the rules for nursing and midwifery providers will change and midwifery providers in primary health care (PHC). The community's concern is that the regulations do not specify the rules under which independent nursing and midwifery practices will be part of the coordinated care...
Ombudsman wants regulation of doctors' working hours. An audit by the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) found that doctors work up to two days without rest breaks. In May 2023. The Ombudsman addressed the then Health Minister Adam Niedzielski on the issue. He received a reply that the ministry was not...
The "Code of Ethics of a Pharmacist of the Republic of Poland" has been published in the Public Information Bulletin of the Supreme Pharmaceutical Chamber.
The Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health on the detailed list of professional activities of persons performing certain medical professions has been submitted for consultation.
The rate of 3.6 doctors per 100,000 residents is at the EU average. We need to think about how many doctors we need to make our health care system work efficiently. This should be the basis for deciding the fate of new medical faculties," Deputy Minister Urszula Demkow pointed out during...
One third of the points where recommended vaccinations are carried out are located in pharmacies open to the public, reports Marcin Repelewicz, president of the Lower Silesian Pharmacy Council. Currently, only adults can be vaccinated at pharmacies. The catalog includes injections of three...
Work on the citizens' bill to amend the law on minimum wages in health care has begun - and already the first meeting of the subcommittee has shown the scale of the problem and the divisions among the workers affected by the law. The Minister of Health announces the search for a rational...
Pilnie trzeba uregulować kwestię zasad wykonywania zabiegów z zakresu medycyny estetycznej – uważają lekarze i pielęgniarki. To reakcja na coraz częstsze przypadki szkód spowodowanych przez osoby, które nie wykazują się odpowiednimi kwalifikacjami.
At a joint meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Medical Council and the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives, important issues concerning the medical professions they represent were discussed. Among others, the draft position on criminal liability, referring to the...
- I'm ready to sign three national averages even today, if doctors will work on an employment contract and not on contracts," Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna said in an interview with Polish Radio Program 3. She also referred to the demands for nurses' and midwives' salaries under the civic bill.
- I am very happy that we can talk in this group. The system is changing. Today our joint effort is to make the system patient-centric, so that the patient is surrounded by medical professionals, both nursing specialists and specialist doctors," said NRL President Luke Jankowski during a joint...
Doctors employed in hospitals under civil law contracts work for up to two days without rest breaks, according to the findings of the Supreme Chamber of Control. This is because the provisions of the Law on Medical Activity regarding required rest periods and on-call rules are limited to those...
It's not only on the grandson and policeman anymore, but also on the doctor. Fraudsters do not disguise their efforts to extort money, mainly from the elderly. The Świętokrzyskie branch of the National Health Fund warns against the new way criminals operate.
A civic bill to amend the law on minimum wages in health care, prepared by the nursing community, will be handled by an extraordinary subcommittee, the Health and Public Finance committees decided at a joint meeting on Wednesday.
The Minister of Justice, Attorney General Adam Bodnar met with the President of the Supreme Medical Chamber, Lukasz Jankowski. They discussed the no fault rule, expert witnesses, the existing medical error cell in prosecutors' offices and other issues of importance to the medical community. Adam...
Być może szkoły wyższe, które nie przejdą procesu reakredytacji uruchomionych kierunków lekarskich, nie będą musiały całkowicie rezygnować z kształcenia medyków. Mogłyby, na przykład, kształcić asystentów lekarzy. To jeden z pomysłów na rozwiązanie problemu, jaki powstał po uruchomieniu na...
Representatives of the Board of the OZZL Residents' Agreement met with Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Maciej Gdula.We handed over to the Deputy Minister all the materials on the degradation of education that we have been developing and collecting for many months. We also raised...
At a recent meeting of the Supreme Medical Council, a resolution was adopted to submit a draft of a new Code of Medical Ethics for local government and public consultation. Its amendment is aimed at ensuring high standards of ethical conduct in the medical profession and adapting to new...
The Supreme Medical Council has passed a resolution defining the content of the stamp or imprint used by doctors and dentists made from a computer system. The new regulations are designed to take into account new technologies and standards that are now being used in the computerization of...
Delegates elected the president of the Supreme Pharmaceutical Council on Saturday, January 27, during the Ninth National Pharmacists Congress.
"There was supposed to be electronic progress, and instead we have a return to paper bureaucracy. It was supposed to be easier, and it turns out that it has become much more difficult. Death cards, which were supposed to be the new standard, turn out to be just a new print, but a familiar...
- The profession of psychologist is a profession of public trust and should finally be properly regulated! - said Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy, after a meeting with representatives of the All-Poland Professional Association of Psychologists. She added...
The National Health Fund has issued a communication to pharmacy operators on on-call duty. It is about the work of pharmacies at night and on holidays. On-call work is financed by public funds.
The issue is the reimbursement of defense attorney's fees to a doctor acquitted after "disciplinary action."
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