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Coordinated care in primary care is a step in the right direction

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Oct. 12, 2024 08:09

- Thanks to the fact that it is now possible to perform at least a number of preliminary examinations in the PCP, it is possible to assess the patient's health status and determine whether he necessarily requires specialized care or broader diagnosis, or whether he can be successfully managed by his primary care physician," Agnieszka Volchenko of the Association of Patients with Heart and Vascular Diseases "EcoHeart" said in an interview with Medexpress.

Coordinated care in primary care was introduced on October 1, 2022. Of the facilities that have implemented it so far, the cardiology pathway is the most popular, but according to research, there is an interdependence between metabolic, cardiac AND renal diseases. All of these pathways are available as part of coordinated care, which should ultimately result in diagnosing patients at the earliest possible stage. What is your opinion on this model of care and how does it work in practice?

Coordinated care at the primary care level includes cardiac care, diabetes care, nephrology, there is also pulmonology and endocrinology. In my opinion, we are moving in the right direction. In this model of care, we have diagnosis, treatment and consultation, but also patient education already at the primary care level. This is to improve accessibility to the necessary first examinations, which, in my opinion, should be ordered precisely at the primary care level, so that patients who do not require consultation or treatment in specialized...

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