Diagnosis of cancer disease is never easy. It is not easy if an adult, young adult or senior citizen hears it. And what happens when you have to tell your child's parents about such a diagnosis?
I believe that finding out that a child has cancer is probably the worst situation that can happen to a person. It is very often a huge shock. Questions arise: "why me?", "is there a God?", "why did this happen?", "what did I do wrong?" and "does my child have a chance?". And it's very difficult, because there's also no single formula for how it should be said. I've been working for more than 20 years, and I always thought that maybe it's better to tell the truth, but now I think not, because not everyone is ready to accept this truth. I believe that you can't take away anyone's hope. This does not mean, of course, that one should deceive someone.
I remember such a situation that the parents took the child from us to unconventional medicine for treatment. They later returned, but this child could no longer be saved, we had no chance to do so. I asked the mother of this child why she did that. She said it was actually because she got ...
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